Radio needed License

11:44 AM Posted by ukmad

From a bulky box at the center of family life to a gizmo for the iFirst generation, the radio has shrunk in size. The memories haven’t.
Then one has to have a license from the Director General P&T to operate the radio.
The bulky radios of the 1960s that came with valves, aerial wiring and earthing and took long minutes to warm up before the first cackle came through are now the stuff of reminiscences and mostly a Murphy.
Here is a journey back to the 1960's after one sees that Radio License issued on 6-3-1968 to Smt.Deshpande of Hindwadi. The license fees were Rs.15 for a new one and Rs.3 for renewal every year. An additional radio in the same premises meant another Rs.3 as fees.

For the new generation who haven't seen Murphy radio and never knew that a license was needed yes, the license raj did exist then. Later on it was removed with time.
All the images have been shared by Uday Deshpande.
Thanks to him for preserving a part of history.


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