Did you know this?Basvan Galli Jain Temple
1:03 PM Posted by ukmad
I am starting a new series on this blog. Did you know this?
We still do not know so many things. This is an effort to know it.
If any of you have some interesting info kindly, send it to ukmad@airtelmail.in
Information shared by Brmhananad Chipre: http://kamalbasti.blogspot.com/
In Basvan Galli there is a Jain temple, the idol was brought from killa (the Belgaum fort).
The Britisher's were not allowing the idol to be shifted from the fort and hence to get the Idol, the local jain's took the idol as it was a dead person on their shoulders and the Britisher's thought it was a dead body and left it and the whole thing was done at mid night. The temple was later built there.
Belgaum Mayor seeks infrastructure fund
7:42 AM Posted by ukmad
Requests Chief Minister to speed up establishment of Apparel Park
According to sources, the Mayor asked for funds to improve roads and permission to start construction work on the Ring Road.
Ms. Budavi also requested the Chief Minister to speed up establishment of Apparel Park and IT Park announced by him at the special legislature session held in Belgaum city in September 2006.
She changed her stand on corporation commissioner P.A. Meghannavar and said that she would not insist on the latter’s transfer after the intervention of Mr. Kore and Minister for Cooperation Laxman Savadi in a meeting here on Saturday.
Social Justice Forum opposes Suvarna Vidhana Soudha on green belt
7:37 AM Posted by ukmad
The area consists of 38 acres of deemed forest
The SJF, after having lost the case in the Karnataka High Court, is now planning to move the Supreme Court with a prayer to restrain the State Government from changing the “nature and identity of the vaccine depot campus” and seeking the construction of the Vidhan Soudha at an alternative site.
Sharing the concerns of SJF with The Hindu here on Sunday, Mr. Hundre said that the organisation would soon the take up the issue with the Supreme Court and try its best to protect the institute from being degraded concrete jungle.
He said since February 2004 SJF along with Save Vaccine Institute Action Committee (SVIAC) had been fighting to save the green belt, this was much before the idea of establishing the Vidhan Soudha here was even conceived.
The area consists of 38 acres of deemed forest. It is the unique shelter to 39 plant and 117 bird species.
With a ban on production of vaccine, the institute now houses the office of the Department of Health and Family Welfare.
The SJF has been demanding that the State Government establish an art complex and develop the area as a botanical garden for the benefit of students, environmentalists and to attract tourists.
Art complex
The former Development Commissioner for Northern Karnataka, Chirajiv Singh, in his letter to then Secretary of Urban Development Department, P. Ravikumar, in February 2004 had suggested to covert the depot into a museum and an art complex.
Mr. Hundre said that the main reason for the selection of government-owned vaccine depot for the construction of the Vidhan Soudha was to save money on acquiring private lands.
Confederation of Indian Industry focus on Belgaum
4:20 PM Posted by ukmad
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), southern region, will focus on a ten-point agenda and implement the key recommendations of 'Vision 2025' document towards making southern region a front-runner in socio-economic development.
''Skills and employability, infrastructure development, promotion of MSMEs, development of tier II and III cities, agriculture and education were some of the thrust areas to be focused on to accelerate the growth of southern states,'' CII Chairman, southern region, B V R Mohan Reddy told newspersons here today after unveiling the theme for the year - @ 75 - The Emerging Agenda.'
Dr Reddy said CII's initative would ensure that over 25,000 school dropouts in the southern states were trained on work skills and modular employable skills.It would adopt 92 ITIs in the region for upgradation through PPP scheme and train about 5,000 faculty members on 'soft skills' through industry-university consortium across the region, he said, adding it would also work for the introduction of 'soft skills' as choice-based credit system in 15 universities in and set up a skills academy at Chennai.'' Dr Reddy said CII believes that tier II and III cities such as Hosur, Erode, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Belgaum, and Kottayam were the new for investments and the growth engines of economy.
Middle-class feeling the heat of inflation
7:52 AM Posted by ukmad
Vijaykumar Patil
The poor remain out of focus; common man the most helpless
The common man has started feeling the heat of the ever-rising inflation, which the Government claims to have caused steep increase in the prices of fuel and subsequently of essential commodities. The common man is the most helpless with no alternative but to shell out more to buy essentials as it is him on whom the burden is passed on to, ultimately.
Traders wasted no time in increasing the prices of all essential commodities and edible oils. Private passenger transport operators have also increased ticket price and passed off the extra burden on the commuting public. Goods transporters are apparently not lagging behind.
In Belgaum city, where the cost of living is relatively higher than many other cities and towns in the State, the prices have further gone up. The middle class is finding it difficult to cope with the rise in expenditure as the prices of essential commodities, land value and house rent have all gone up. The poor families remain simply out of focus and remain harassed.
In addition to the fuel pumps and foodgrains/vegetable/fruit markets, one of the sectors where the heat of price rise is immediately felt is the hotel industry. As far as Belgaum city is concerned, the prices in all restaurants have gone up. The average increase is from 20 per cent to 50 per cent on all regular dishes on the menu.
Though the number of customers has marginally come down in a few hotels, the loss is well made good by the increased prices. In a popular hotel in the city, the situation has not affected its daily turnover because the management has “marginally” increased the prices of food items, from Rs. 2 to Rs. 3 on idli, dosa, vada, puri bhaji and Rs. 5 on plate meals (from Rs. 40 to Rs. 45). The business continues to be as usual, says a senior staff of the hotel.
The prices in roadside chat and mobile tea stalls have also gone up. Vijay Dattaram Gaude, who runs a petty tea stall on Narvekar Galli in the city and arranges for door-delivery on a “missed call” on his mobile phone, has also increased the price from Rs. 2 to Rs. 2.50 for a small cup of tea. Whereas the same tea costs Rs. 5 to Rs. 6 in other canteens and cafes and restaurants.
Then, some hoteliers have been just more than shrewd and are taking the customer for a ride by not only increasing prices by Rs. 10 to Rs. 15 for each dish but also reducing quantity. Apparently, while traders continue to make profits, the common man continues to pay through his nose.
Interestingly, even invitations for tea from friends have come down.
Different names of Belgaum
4:06 PM Posted by ukmad
Mr Chipre is doing a great job for the reasearch.
No doubt India has different names, which we use them even today. India, Bharat and Hindustan all are the same. Similarly, Belgaum went through different name changes ever since the Ratta Dynasty started ruling this place.
Below are the names it achieved in the past history.
Jirnasitapura - Old Belgaum and Shahpur, the then Sapur were together called Jirnasitapura in the 7th Century. [ Refrence Pg 138 of The Indian Antiquary ]
Vamsapura, it got this name when Queen Gunavati got a offspring from King Kuntamaraya. [ Refrence - Pg 140 of The Indian Antiquary ]
Venugrama or Velugrama or Ikshugrama was the name in 805 AD [ Refrence - Pg 862 of Karnataka State Gazetteer]
Venugram in 1199AD [ Refrence - Pg 862 of Karnataka State Gazetteer]
Azamnagar [ According to Mr. Strokes (Belgaum, 45), after the fall of bijapur, the fort of Belgaum remained for several years in possession of Aurangzeb's second son Azam and from him was called Azamnagar. This seems doubtful.
According to Orme (Historical Fragments, 286-287) Belgaum was called Azamnagar under the Bijapur Kings. Refrence - Pg 547 Bombay of Gazzattee]Mustafabad [ In memory of one of its Commandants or Killedars, who thoroughly repaired and strengthened the ramparts of the Belgaum Fort. Refrence - Pg 548 of Bombay Gazetteer ]Belagugrama to Belugav to Belgavi [ Refrence - Pg 500 of Bombay Gazetteer ]
Belgaum - in 16 or 17th Century when the British East India Company were unable to pronounce the word Belgavi, they changes the name as per their accent and called it as Belgaum.
Till date, this is what we know today but not to worry as the JD(S) and BJP led coalition Govt forwarded a list of District Names of the Karnataka State to get changed and sent it to the Central Congress Govt in 2006 on the eve of 50th Year of Independence of Karnataka State. So belgaum is expecetd to get back its name from Belgaum to Belgavi.
Belgavi expected to get its name soon in near future.
Othere places name changes that were also related to Belgaum were :-
Yalur [ Refrence Book A Legend of Old Belgaum, May 1875 Pg - 139.]
Yellur as we know it today.
Sapur in 11th Century [ Refrence Pg 138 of The Indian Antiquary ]
Chapour in 1680 by the East India Company
Shahpur as we know it today.
Hrasvagiri in 11th Century [ Refrence Pg 138 of The Indian Antiquary ]Anagola [ Refrence Pg 138 of The Indian Antiquary ]
Angol as we know it today.
Kondanur in 11th Century.
Konnur as we know it today
Unknown facts about Belgaum History
4:06 PM Posted by ukmad
I would ask each of you to visit the blog. The contents on the said are enormous and the amount of effort put in by Bramhanand Chipre to make that blog is commendable.
How many of you knew this I Dont Know, for sure I did not know a thing about this.
From the Blog:
People don't know there is an Original Story behind Old Belgaum. But this story below will clarify your doubts.
How Belgaum was formed? Why the Jaina temples in Belgaum Fort were built?
Who built the Belgaum Fort? Etc . . . .
It is hard to believe, but the truth was written long back with evidences by a British writer GILMOUR M’CORKELL in his book THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY.
He clearly tells that there were 108 Jain Temples in the premises of the present Belgaum Fort, which were demolished and overthrew by the then Musalman kings and ultimately with the same stone and pillars the Belgaum Fort as built. He also clearly mentions in the Book: Old Belgaum is said to have been found by a Jaina King
but the earliest notice that we have of it is to be found in the Gulhalli inscription 1150 AD."[ Reference Book A Legend of Old Belgaum, May 1875 Pg - 139 ].
The Legend
There was a poet by name Sarasijabhavanandana, belonging to the ancient Jaina cast, and an inhabitant of Belgaum. He has composed in Old Kanarese language a short history of kings. Having, by means of rhetorical and an ornate Sanskrit expressions, applied such epithets as ripen as if they were plentiful given in the Karnataka Country, he has complied an account of Belgaum. In it we obtain full information of those kings who formerly were, their names, their good qualities, their castes, and the virtuous deeds that they preformed. And memorials of the acts which were done by those same kings are to be met with, even in the present day, in Belgaum, and are as written below :-
Sapur and Belgaum were formerly collectively called Jirnasitapura, and there lived there governor of the city of Samantapattana, whose name was Kuntamaraya, a Jaina by caste, very religious and compassionate. So the people had great joy and happiness. One day (it happened that) one hundred and eight Jaina sages, -- who had come from the South Country into the forest of Anagola, of which the name was formerly Hrasvagiri -- remained there all night, because their rules did not permit them to advance a single footstep during the darkness. When this news reached Kuntamaraya, the King, with the expressed assent of his wife Gunavati, went out to the sages and, having preformed respectful obeisance, besought them as follows :- “
Oh mighty saints, take pity upon me and bestow your favour upon me, so that my region may become famous.” But, as their custom was never to say anything at night, they held no converse with the king. Accordingly the king returned home in great despondency, (and, as he was going) sparks of fire fell from the torches, and the dry forest was set on fire, and all those sages were burnt to ashes.On the following day, in the early morning the king again went into the forest and saw all those Jaina sages had been consumed. When they saw this, both husband and wife were much terrified and began to consider. Accordingly there and then, he proposed a plan to Gunavati, where by these Jaina sages might attain the state of final emancipation, -- as follows: - “Let us bring stones and build 108 temples, and, when we have performed worship to them, I shall accomplish the propagation of offspring.” When he has so said, they returned home, and, and in accordance with the above plan, he caused to build 108 Jaina temples at that very place where are even at the present day some Jaina Temples in the Fort of Belgaum. After he had initiated into the mysteries of the Jaina faith and had reigned for some time, Gunavati at length became pregnant. And now, although he had been very anxious that his wife should have children, his dread of not having any offspring vanished. On this account he gave to Belgaum the name of Vamsapura. Now the word in Marathi for Vamsa is Bel. In this manner we arrive at the name Belgaum.
Afterwards they lived in Old Belgaum, Santa the son of Kuntam the king of Savantavadi, famous, deeply learned in the mysterious of the Jaina religion, thoroughly skilled in the worship of the gods of forefather, very brave, and lauded by prince who are born in the races of the Sun and Moon, a supporter of the rules of the faith of the Kshatriyas, a protector of Jaina sages, very skilful in bestowing on the temples of Jinendra that wealth which consists in courtesans, &c. He had fourteen wives. The chief of there wives, by name Padmavati, was very famous. She had a son by Santa named Anantavirya. One day, attended by his retinue of maid-servants, &c. he (Santa) went to the river Sundarsana near Yalur for the purpose of playing in the water, and in the lake of Nagasarovara he met his death by a thunderbolt. Then three ministers of state came from Savantavadi and crowned Anantavirya King. He also reigned according to the customs of his fathers. One day, many sages, along whom Sudarsana was the chief, arrived. When he has made respectful obeisance to them, Anantavirya inquired concerning his ancestors, and those sages recounted from their Puranas the above story in which has been related to fate of King Santa. Afterwards there was a king of his race and lineage by name Mallikarjuna. During his reign a famous Musalman by name Asta Khan (Asad Khan) came from Bengal, and, Asta Khan acquired the kingdom of treachery, he deposed him (Mallikarjuna), overthrew those one hundred and eight Jaina temples, and built a fort. Even at the present time we find stones (belonging to those in the fort).
Dosa- Rs.25 Idli Rs.15 Puri Bhaji- Rs.20 Tea- Rs.6; Belgaum
11:46 AM Posted by ukmad
As the inflation has peaked to a 13 year high, the prices of essential food commodities have also risen. In a city like Belgaum where going out to eat in hotels is very common the prices of dishes have increased alarmingly.
Take regular dishes like Idli, which used to cost you Rs.11 is now costing Rs.13 –15. Dosa, which was Rs.22, is now Rs.25. Uppit, pohe of Rs.6 are now Rs.10.
The same is the case with other items like pav Bhaji, now Rs.20. Tea, which was Rs.5 in a good hotel, will now cost you Rs.6. Even the small canteen where the tea was Rs.3 is now Rs.5.
Now lets make a move towards the bigger dining hotels. Here also the same story, the prices of dishes have been increased by Rs.10-15 per plate and in some places the prices have been increased by Rs.5 but the quantity has been reduced.
Now going out for dinner for two in a nice cozy place will at least need Rs.300 or more.
In all the pockets are getting bigger no doubt, but the prices of commodities are growing at a larger pace.
So the next time you call your friend for tea, you might just end up with tea and nothing else. Have a nice time…
75% of Goa’s vegetables still come from Belgaum
10:02 AM Posted by ukmad
The annual average production of vegetables in Goa has remained constant for past many years and is standing at 84,290 tonnes, which can fulfill only 25 to 30 per cent of the total vegetable requirement of the state.
The deputy director of the department of agriculture (farms), Mr V M Khandeparkar told ‘The Navhind Times’ on Tuesday that the remaining 70 to 75 per cent of the vegetable requirement is taken care of by regular supply from Belgaum. “At present, the total vegetable area cultivated in Goa is 8,213 hectare including 5,194 hectare of land cultivated during the Kharif season and 3,019 hectare land cultivated during Rabi season,” he informed, adding that the vegetable area under cultivation is also constant and not growing.
Speaking further, Mr Khandeparkar said that the average yield of vegetables in Goa is 10,263 kg per hectare. Stating that ladyfinger is the most appropriate summer crop of Goa, he maintained that though cabbage and cauliflower are also grown in small quantities, Goa has no low temperature climate as required by them and hence the heads of these vegetables remain undeveloped.
Normally, large varieties of vegetables are grown in Goa, Mr Khandeparkar stated pointing out, “They include cucumbits like cucumber, radish, ridge gourd, bitter gourd, snake gourd, ash gourd, pumpkin including its flowers, muskmelon, cluster bean and brinjal, besides baby corn and sweet corn.” He also maintained that leafy vegetables like red amaranthus are grown in Goa. Those vegetables which are not grown in Goa include potato, tomato, beetroot, carrot, French beans, green peas, Kashmiri mirchi and so on, Mr Khandeparkar added. While observing that vegetable cultivation is a profitable business, Mr Khandeparkar mentioned that very few people try their hand at it as the vegetables are perishable items and need to be sold as fast as possible after they are plucked. “The other reasons being not getting proper rate through the sale of vegetables and absence of storage facilities,” he pointed out.
Administrative work hit as corporation employees go on leave en masse
9:29 AM Posted by ukmad

People here now find themselves caught between the executive and the elected body of Belgaum City Corporation which is dogged by unhealthy politics.
With the corporation employees announcing an “indefinite leave” from Monday to express solidarity with municipal commissioner P.A. Meghannavar and to seek an apology from Mayor Prashanta Budavi for taking a unilateral decision on her demand for transfer of the former on Saturday, people had to return in disappointment without getting their works done at the corporation.
Except for Mr. Meghannavar, there was none working in any of the departments.
All the employees, under the banner of Belgaum Mahanagar Palika Naukarara Sangh, led by its president, Vijay Kottur, marched to the office of Regional Commissioner and submitted a memorandum in support of their demand. They also declared that they would not attend office work until the Mayor tendered her apology.
Ms. Budavi and floor leader of the ruling Kannada-Urdu group Sambhaji Patil had accused Mr. Meghannavar of behaving rudely with new corporators. Mr. Meghannavar was also accused of manipulating the “agenda” and allowing BJP MLA Abhay Kumar Patil to hold a meeting on the corporation premises without informing the Mayor.
Ms. Budavi had unilaterally announced that the council would demand the Government to shift Mr. Meghannavar and abruptly adjourned the general body meeting on Saturday. Interestingly, though the staff have criticised the Mayor’s unilateral announcement, they have not denied the charges made against Mr. Meghannavar.
Bomb hoax in KLE college: calm after the storm
9:25 AM Posted by ukmad

A telephone call to city-based KLE Society’s engineering college last night, claiming that a bomb had been placed in the college campus, turned out to be a hoax, bringing much relief to the administration and students.
The Principal of the college, S.C. Pillia, told The Hindu that he received the call at about 9.30 p.m. on Sunday. The caller claimed to have planted a bomb to blow up the college.
Mr. Pillai immediately informed senior police authorities.
A posse of armed police rushed to the college situated under Udyambag Police Station limits on Belgaum-Goa Road and took precautionary measures.
Subsequently, the anti-bomb squad, with sniffer dogs, were pressed into service. It carried out search operations from about 6 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. on Monday, and declared that there was no explosive devise anywhere in the campus.
The college administration heaved a sigh of relief and went ahead with the semester examinations according to the schedule.
The Udyambag police have registered the complaint. During preliminary investigations, it was found that the telephone call was made from a local public booth on College Road in the city.
The city has received hoax calls right from last year. The first hoax call made to KLE Hospital was on September 8, 2007, the second to the District Court on December 15, the third to G.G. Chitnis High School on January 14 this year and the fourth to St. Mary’s School on February 4.
10:15 PM Posted by ukmad
Cherry picking markets in countryside for best results
4:18 PM Posted by ukmad
Belgaum contributes 69% districts’ total market
Belgaum in Sixth place On sheer market size
There are 75-odd districts in the country like Maharashtra’s Kolhapur and Satara, Karnataka’s Belgaum and Kerala’s Thrissur with a very attractive mix of quality rural market coupled with big enough rural population to warrant a focussed rural marketing initiative in these districts.
These 75 quality rural districts contribute around a fifth (19%) of total rural market in India and a tenth of the total Indian (urban+rural) market. What’s more important for marketers is that in these 75- odd districts, the rural market contribution as a per cent of the total district’s market is high, according to ET exclusive insights from the 2008 edition of RK Swamy BBDO Guide to Market Planning.
Among the top 10 markets here:
Satara’s rural areas contribute a whopping 81% of the districts’ total market. The comparable figure is 79% for Kottayam, 72% for Kollam and Ahmadnagar, 69% for Belgaum, 62% for Kolhapur, 61% for Thrissur, 49% for Thiruvanar, 40% for Ernakulam and 26% for Pune. As
many as five districts from Kerala figure in the top 10 quality rural markets.
The guide evaluates not only the absolute market potential (Market Potentila Value; MPV), which in certain geographies can be high, but also the per capita potential (Market Intensity Index; MII), which can be another important determining variable for intelligent market planning. The guide covered 515 districts (out of a total of 593) in 21 states and three union territories. A total of 24 parameters—like income, ownership of house, durables and cars, formal employment, bank credit et al—were chosen for urban and rural areas to assess MPV and MII.
On sheer market size alone, West Bengal’s Medinipur district is the top rural market in the country. South 24 Paragnas (WB), Barddhaman WB), Anmadnagar (Maharashtra), Murshidabad (WB), Belgaum (Karnataka), North 24 Paragnas (WB), Pune (Maharashtra), East Godavari (Andhra Pradesh) and Kolhapur (Maharashtra) make the top 10 here.
Says Gowri Arun, co-author of the RK Swamy BBDO.
Belgaum City Corporation
8:15 AM Posted by ukmad

Source The Hindu
Uproar: The leader of the Opposition in the Belgaum City Corporation Council, B. Kakatkar, demanding that the Mayor adopt a resolution seeking early solution to the border dispute, during a meeting on Saturday.
Talent Onions from Belgaum
4:05 PM Posted by ukmad

This is the buzzword of 'Talent Onions', a Belgaum based provider of Internet recruitment and job search solutions.
'Talent Onions', launched in July 2007 and in a span of time, 'Talent Onions' has made its mark in this very competitive but qualitative field of Internet recruitment and job search solutions.
Aadil Bandukwala, Chief Evangelist of 'Talent Onions' told this blog that he wanted to make 'Talent Onions' a number one Internet job portal company.
They are innovative business solution experts and help organizations Evaluate, Implement, and evolve the sourcing strategy that is right for their businesses. They provide a comprehensive range of Recruitment and Business Consulting Services and support the recruitment specific efforts in every stage of our client's sourcing lifecycle.Their mission is to add value to HR by delivering HR services and solutions that maximize the value of people. Everything they do enables HR to make a real commercial impact and improve our clients' business performance. They endeavor to successfully collaborate with organizations in their vision of empowering the most critical and valuable asset in their Human Resources at an optimized time and cost.
A brief interview with Aadil Bandukwala, Chief Evangelist:
How did you get an idea of starting 'Talent Onions'?
Leading Minds [my first start up] was going steady and I was on the look out for something to add to my basket. One of my professors one day got in touch stating that he needed to source talent from Belgaum for his company and questioned whether I was interested in exploring possibilities. I marched in. And we started Talent Onions.
Why is that you planned it to start from Belgaum? A place like Bangalore would have been much more rewarding.
I have been born and brought up in Belgaum. My parents live here. I know people here. I like my town. I love this place. Why would I move to Bangalore or any other metro - which is virtually unknown to me? Besides, the Internet has done wonders to today's economy and you can connect to the world from even the remotest of places. In addition, Belgaum has some rock solid potential and human talent that begging to be utilized.
How is that you work?
For every business, we have a different sourcing strategy. The cements business for example is quite technical in nature and hence you need many civil professionals. On the other hand, the telecom business is contrary in nature where in you need hardcore telephony guys. Hence, for each function like marketing or finance or engineering we have independent sourcing strategies. Obviously, we prefer to keep our business model discreet else wise there would not be any tactical advantages!
How many if not exact, but on general number of placements and clients you have added?
Cannot reveal this but one thing I can reveal is that when we started, we started with only one client. Now we have a kitty of over 15 clients of which four are constant in nature.
How many employees do you have?
I have 8 full time employees and 1 Part timer. Plus me. Therefore, that makes us a team of 10.
What plans do you have for further expansion?
We plan to make it big some day in the recruitment space and add more human capital and financial muscle to Talent Onions. We have very recently finished installing a recruitment automation application that is similar to an ERP for recruitment consultants. I hope that this will enhance efficiency and resourcefulness and will increase our client base at least three fold. We should also be able to cut lead-time in delivering solutions to our clients by over 40%. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
Leading Minds, your first company what does it do and how has it helped you to start 'Talent Onions'?
Leading Minds is an Internet consulting venture where in we build web applications. Leading Minds funded talent Onions. More on Leading Minds, here: http://www.leadingminds.co.in/
Wish the Onions a great taste of success.
More on Talent Onions here: http://www.talentonions.com/
Its time I suppose for us Belgaumites to think Higher and acheive our goals. What can I do from Belgaum ? Should not be the approach.
Say, I can do a lot from Belgaum.
New petrol/diesel Price in Belgaum
4:05 PM Posted by ukmad

Belgaum 76th place in Deposits & Credit base
6:07 PM Posted by ukmad
Amongst the Top Two Hundred Centers Arranged According to Size of Aggregate Deposits / Gross Bank Credit - December 2007: Belgaum stands at 76th place for Deposits of 3101 crores and credit of 1936 crores.

These figures are the gross deposit base and credit given by all the banks in Belgaum.
All figures in Crores.
Belgaum is 5 in the State after Hubli. All the big companies see this data only when they plan an entry into the city & for this reason all the development of Hubli takes first and then its Belgaum. Take anything for that matter from Icici bank to HDFC bank, first in Hubli and then in Belgaum.
However, I was amazed to see Kolhapur at 99th place. Kolhapur is a very good industrial hub but the deposits are less but the credit is more than Belgaum.
4:17 PM Posted by ukmad

Picture: Shri. B S Yadurappa, Chief Minister at the KLE Stall
The prestigious KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital of Belgaum bagged the 1st Prize in Safe World – 2008 exhibition from Hospital & Medical Services category. The Exhibition on National Disaster management was held at Palace Ground Bangalore from 12th to 16th June, 2008. In a five days event, over 147 stalls with latest devices to provide effective coverage in the event of disaster, technology support & equipments to manage the disaster were on the display.
The exhibits of KLES Hospital included the state-of-the-art Mobile Tele-Medicine Van, Trauma Care Ambulance with life support system. The medical & humane services provided in Gujarat Earthquake, Tsunami hit Tamil Nadu & Medical relief conducted by team of medical fraternity in recently flood affected Belgaum attracted attention of all the visitors.
The list of visitors to KLES Stall included Shri. Shivraj Patil, Hon’ble Home Minister Govt. of India, Shri. B S Yadurappa, Chief Minister, Dr. V S Acharya, Home Minister, Dr. Mahadevan Nair, Chairman ISRO. All the dignitaries were highly impressed with Mobile Tele-Medicine Van & its connectivity through satellite to any disaster hit place & the important role the tele-medicine plays in providing medical aid to the disaster hit people was emphasized by one & all.
Dr. Mahadevan Nair, Chairman ISRO Congratulated Dr. M V Jali, Medical Director & KLES management for establishing Mobile Tele-medicine concept. Both of them had one to one interaction through tele-medicine.
Later in the valedictory function held at Palace ground Dr. Mahadevan Nair, Chairman ISRO gave first prize to KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital. Mr. Kishore Reddy, I T Administrator received the prize on behalf of the Hospital. Mr. Jija Hari Singh, DGP Commandant Home Guard & Director of Civil Defense, Shri. K M Singh Member, National Disaster Management, New Delhi & Mr. Khaleel Ul Rehman, IGP Additional Director Civil Defense were present on the occasion.
Abhay Kumar Patil in Kaveri Nagar: ‘Shramdan’ is his motto'
9:53 AM Posted by ukmad

Cleanliness drive: Abhay Kumar Patil, MLA (left), making way for stagnant water at Kaveri Nagar in Belgaum South constituency that he represents.
Residents of Kaveri Nagar in Belgaum South constituency were in for a surprise on Sunday morning.
Abhay Kumar Patil, two-time MLA from the constituency, was seen making way for stagnant water that had accumulated on a long stretch of a road. A few residents of the area, including women, joined hands with him in the drive. In sharp contrast to many of his counterparts who are busy attending felicitation functions, Mr. Patil engages himself in some development work at least once in a day.
Mr. Patil has been successful in developing the two model villages of Hulikavi and Jafferwadi in the erstwhile Bagewadi constituency which he represented in the previous Assembly.
He also kicked off the process for the third village of Gejapati in the same constituency.
Mr. Patil is now looking forward to developing all localities, including slums, in Belgaum South constituency into model colonyies.
Since he feels that the corporation or local municipalities do not offer much help in keeping the city clean, Mr. Patil has started involving people in the “shramdan.”
By leading the voluntary service, Mr. Patil has been motivating people not to depend on municipal workers.
On Tuesday, he held a meeting with Belgaum City Corporation officials, and proposed to take up a pilot project to develop one of the slums into a model colony.
If it turns out to be successful, the project will be extended to other localities in Belgaum South.
Big Companies eye on Belgaum Real Estate
10:52 AM Posted by ukmad
In the past year or so, I have posted more than a couple of stories regarding to real estate and the boom in this said sector.
As Belgaum is on the National highway, many big players and companies are eyeing to open or develop land here in Belgaum. Many of them have now identified places where they will do development.
A couple of malls are coming up in the city. Some prefer the outskirts and others the heart of the city. All the projects are of high investment & are done by outside companies from Pune, Bangalore, and even Uttar Pradesh.
Established players like Subhash Photos are now opening a branch in Tilakwadi to get the pie from the suburban market. Others are also catching on the same.
As all want to bite the share of this pie, a number of companies are coming in as they do not want to miss the chance and this is causing a price rise for land.
VRL group is planning to develop a project near Sambra on the Belgaum – Bagalkot highway.
Tata sons ltd had identified one spot on the Belgaum – Vengurla road but it could not get and approval so it is in search for a 2 acre site some where else.
Ashok Leyland is also trying to get 100 acres of land near Hattargi for its plant.
Fero steel will setup a steel plant on 80 acres near Santibastwad.
Sahara City is eyeing a 120-acre land near Halga.
K & A Consultants a Bangalore based company is also starting its projects here.
Due to this sudden rise in prices of land, the political interference has also increased and the Waghwade IT Park of 116 acres is just one example that seems to go into the grave soon.
May what it is, but Belgaum is changing and changes are for the better.
Love Dale Principal Geeta Bhute passes away
10:39 AM Posted by ukmad
Mrs.Gita bhute who initially served in the Kendriya Vidalaya then went on to open the Love Dale School and Sagar D.ED academy in Belgaum.
Her husband Ravi & son Samrat survive her.
Government plans B’lore-Mumbai industrial corridor
8:03 AM Posted by ukmad
In an effort to give a much needed boost to the industrial development in the state, the State Government has proposed to develop Bangalore- Mumbai industrial corridor besides formulating a new industrial policy.
Minister for Major and Medium Industries Murugesh Nirani told reporters here on Friday that the new policy, focusing on creating investorfriendly environment, would be in place in the next three months. ‘’While formulating the new policy, industrial policies in states like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan will be studied,’’ he said.
On the industrial corridor Nirani said that a feasibility study on Bangalore-Mumbai industrial corridor was being taken up as proposed by the Centre. The proposed corridor would establish connectivity from Bangalore to Belgaum covering 11 district headquarters and 22 towns along the National Highway Number 4, he said.
IT-BT zone at Mangalore, Mysore, Hubli- Dharwad, Belgaum.
Ignored by Congress leadership, he found the lotus attractive
7:54 AM Posted by ukmad

Mr. Kore is a Lingayat and heads the Karnataka Lingayat Education Society, which runs a number of educational-health institutions in the State. His decision is being seen as further consolidation of the Lingayat forces behind the BJP, particularly in north Karnataka.
When a section of the media was carrying reports that Mr. Kore was planning to join the BJP or the Janata Dal (S) after the Congress denied him ticket to contest from the Chikkodi-Sadalaga Assembly constituency, he had denied them. On April 30, he said he was “seriously” considering saying “goodbye” to active politics to devote the rest of his life to “social service.”
On May 4, he said: “I want to quit politics, leave alone joining the Janata Dal (S), the BJP or any other party.” “Though I am pained at the Congress attitude towards me, I will remain a loyal worker of the party,” he said and emphasised that politics was not what it used to be, and therefore he wished to concentrate on social service.
Apparently, he was “hurt” by the raw deal given to him by the high command as well as the State Congress leadership.
He was in the Congress for about four decades. He was made member of the Rajya Sabha in 1990 and was nominated to the Legislative Council in 2001. When the Chikkodi constituency was made a general segment and its map was redrawn by including some parts of Sadalga into it to form the new “Chikkodi-Sadalga” constituency, he saw an opportunity to enter the Assembly from his home constituency. But, the Congress dashed his dream.
The Congress chose to field his arch rival and two-time MLA, Prakash B. Hukkeri, from there.
According to the grapevine, both the State and central leadership of the Congress were not happy with Mr. Kore’s favours to the Janata Dal (S)-BJP coalition government when the special legislature session was held on the KLE Society’s J.N. Medical College campus here in September, 2006.
Since then, Mr. Kore’s relationship with senior leaders had come under strain.
Belgaum ring road: Still a Dream
1:30 PM Posted by ukmad
1) Hindalga-Peeranwadi-Halga
2) Hindalga-Kakti-Halga
Total ring road length 38 kms.
Ring road breadth 100 feet
285 acres of land needed
Rs.1425 lakh for land acquisition
Ring road total expenditure Rs.30 crores
10 years ago, the plan for the ring road was prepared. Imagine, since ten years nothing has happened on ground; only papers have changed places and this road, which will be a boon to traffic, will remain a dream.
A jaipur-based company was allotted the contract for the project but it was cancelled and a new process for obtaining was commenced.
The BUDA chairman has attributed the cause for this delay to the elections. A state run enterprise is likely to do the said project this time.
May it be a state run enterprise or a private company, Belgaumites need that ring road as the movement of heavy vehicles will be diverted on to the new road giving the regular traffic some more space on the roads.
This road can avoid the enormous accidents that happen on the Udyambag road. In addition, vehicles going to Goa from Kolhapur etc can directly take the new road and avoid heavy traffic in city limits. It is the case with people from Goa to Kolhapur, if they divert from Peeranwadi they will join the NH 4 at Kakti. Towards Bangalore, you can join Halga on NH 4.
Pray to Lord that, this present govt will look into this and by the time they finish the full term we would be plying on the Ring Road.
Prabhakar B. Kore BJP Rajsabhya Candidate
8:15 AM Posted by ukmad

The BJP delivered a jolt to Congress by picking its leader and Belgaum educationist Prabhakar Kore as its candidate for Rajya Sabha polls.
Prabhakar Kore to address Meeting of steering panel on health in Washington DC from Sunday
12:07 PM Posted by ukmad
The global network consists of eminent researchers in the field of women’s and children’s health.
KLE Society’s J.N. Medical College in the city has established collaboration with the University of Missouri in Kansas City with Richard Derman (UMKC) and B.S. Kodkany (JNMC) as principal investigators.
For the past eight years, the team has produced evidence that both maternal mortality and infant mortality can be reduced significantly in rural community of Belgaum by using simple, cost-effective and easy-to-implement interventions.
Mr. Kore said here on Wednesday that he would address the members of the steering committee on the impact of research results from Belgaum on the Prime Minister’s initiative of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM). The goal of NRHM is to reduce MMR (maternal mortality rate) and IMR (infant mortality rate) by two-thirds by 2012.
J Ravishankar is the new DC for Belgaum
1:16 PM Posted by ukmad
J Ravishankar is the new DC for Belgaum. The outgoing M E Shivalinga Murthy is now Director Mines andGeology.
Belgaum Monsoon
10:20 AM Posted by ukmad
The picture taken by Mr.Bharat M of Sadashiv Nagar, Belgaum.
Belgaum Cantonment Board Elections
7:47 AM Posted by ukmad
Revamp of belgaum airport by 2008
7:43 AM Posted by ukmad
Apart from the 35 airports taken up for modernisation, the AAI (Airports Authority of India) will invest around Rs 490 crore to develop 11 smaller airports like Akola, Belgaum, Cooch Behar, Gondia, Surat and Srinagar. All these airports are also projected to be developed by the end of 2008.
HC circuit benches from July 7: Vedike to organise ‘Bangalore Chalo’
12:44 PM Posted by ukmad
Source The Hindu & Rediff.com
The long-cherished dream of the people of North Karnataka will become a reality on July 7 this year. Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court Cyriac Joseph issued a notification that the circuit benches of Karnataka High Court at Dharwad and Gulbarga will commence work from July 7.
On the orders of the chief justice, high court registrar issued a notification in this regard. The full bench of the high court which met on Tuesday passed a resolution permitting sitting of judges at the newly-established circuit benches at Dharwad on Gulbarga.
Wednesday's notification states that the cases from the districts of Bagalkot, Bellary, Belgaum, Dharwad, Gadag, Haveri, Koppal and Uttara Kannada will be heard at Dharwad while those from Bijapur, Bidar, Gulbarga and Raichur will be heard in Gulbarga. Pending cases will be transferred to the respective circuit benches before July 7, 2008. Filing of new cases at the circuit benches will be permitted from July 7, 2008.
Vedike to organise ‘Bangalore Chalo’
The construction of new high court buildings at Water and Land Management Institute (WALMI) in Dharwad is nearing completion. Government will be urged to start work on Suvarna Vikasa Soudha’
The district unit of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike will organise “Bangalore Chalo” agitation on June 16 to bring pressure on the State Government to start work on Suvarna Vikasa Soudha in Belgaum city.
The vedike will also ask the Government to expedite all the development projects that have been put on hold in the wake of the Assembly elections, according to president of the district unit of the vedike Rajeev Topannavar.
He told presspersons here on Saturday that the a large number of workers of the vedike would stage a protest in front of Vidhana Soudha on June 16 against the “lackadaisical” attitude of the Government towards development requirements of Belgaum district.
Several promises
The Janata Dal (Secular)-Bharatiya Janata Party coalition Government had made several promises with regard to development of the district, but none of them were implemented, he said.
The vedike would urge the Government to set up an Export Promotion Council to encourage export of foundary products and sweets; start work on information technology and biotechnology parks, textile park, underground sewage scheme and Belgaum-Chorla road development project; announce a special package for renovation of Kannada medium schools in border areas, and accord taluk status to Kittur.
Monsoon on time in Belgaum
7:43 AM Posted by ukmad
Yesterday morning at about nine am the first showers hit the city and to the pleasant surprise they were heavy giving you an idea of what is in store this season.
Later the whole day it was quite sunny & late in the evening the clouds started to gather again. Since this morning it’s raining, not very heavily tough. Temperature has fallen and now the heat wave is no more and the Belgaum cold will start its journey. The monsoon has come on time and this time the rains could be heavy to very heavy that what the met dept. has forecasted. So be prepared for bad roads, water logging and host of other problems.
But the best way to start is say “Welcome Monsoons”
Elephants ride
4:11 PM Posted by ukmad

Belgaum: Petrol 58.37 Diesel: 39.99 Prices
4:11 PM Posted by ukmad

K'taka: Cong MLAs worth Rs 256 crore; BJP 203 crore
12:39 PM Posted by ukmad
The special Legislative session in Karnataka gets underway on Wednesday. The Congress, which will sit in opposition, leads the table with candidates with very high assets while the ruling BJP comes second, indicates statistics available with Karnataka Election Watch.
The Congress has 35 MLAs with very high assets (Rs 20 crore and above) and their total worth is Rs 256.6 crore. In 2004, the party after the election was worth just Rs 54.2 crore which would mean that the party has seen a 373 per cent jump in the last four years.
The Congress, incidentally, has the richest two MLAs in the 224-member House.
M Krishnappa, from the Vijay Nagar constituency in Bengaluru, is worth Rs 147.88 crore. His liabilities are estimated at Rs 69.85 crore.
Second on the list is Feroz Nurrudin Sait (Congress) from the Belgaum Uttar constituency with assets and liabilities estimated at Rs 58.55 crore and Rs 0 respectively.
The Bharatiya Janata Party has 40 MLAs with very high assets and their total worth is Rs 203.8 crore as against the Rs 51.4 crore in the 2004 elections. The party has seen a jump of 296 per cent in the past four years.
Anand Singh from the Vijayanagara constituency is the richest BJP MLA with assets worth Rs 57. 34 crore. The liabilities of Singh who is also the third richest MLA are estimated at Rs 7.37 crore.
The JD(S), which came third in the election with just 28 seats, has 16 MLAs with very high assets and are worth Rs 112.9 crore. The richest MLA from the JD(S) is H D Kumaraswamy, the former chief minister of the state. Kumaraswamy who won from the Ramanagar constituency, 50 km from Bangalore is worth Rs 30.20 crore, thus making him the ninth richest MLA in the House. His liabilities are estimated at Rs 23.12 crore.
Shortage of textbooks haunts children again
12:39 PM Posted by ukmad
Though the academic year has commenced, non-availability of textbooks is haunting schoolchildren again.
This problem has been confronting students every year, particularly since 2003. However, the education authorities have failed to respond to the problem by ensuring that all textbooks are made available on time, said M.V. Chavan, president, the Belgaum Association of Parents, while submitting a memorandum to the Deputy Director of Public Instruction (DDPI) here on Wednesday.
He said the association filed a writ petition in the Karnataka High Court on May 29 in this regard. The court has asked the Government to submit its position in the matter.
Thus, the association has urged the DDPI, Belgaum, to declare to the public the exact position of the availability of textbooks and when they would be made available to students
Belgaum skater for Dhaka meet
11:21 AM Posted by ukmad

Nikhil Chindak
Young roller skater Nikhil, son of Ramesh Chindak, has made his hometown Belgaum and family proud with his selection for the forthcoming 6th International Roll Ball Meet to be held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from June 6 to June 8.
Nikhil, who will join the Indian team, is being trained by his coaches Suhas Karekar and Suryakant Hindalgekar.
'Suspected terrorist is a jihadi activist'
4:58 PM Posted by ukmad
Come lets make Belgaum a safer and better place.
Source The New Indian Express
Suspected Islamic terrorist Liyakatali Sayeed, who was arrested on May 14 from his house at Kusru Nagar in Malmaruti extension, is a dedicated Jihad activist.
Sources close to the this website’s newspaper said that Liyakatali was involved in Jihadi activities and tried his best to misguide and motivate educated Muslim youths in Belgaum to join the cause.
Liyakatali, who had returned to Belgaum from London nine months ago, had succeeded in influencing a few Muslim youth. After striking up a friendship with them, he would show them CDs of atrocities on Muslims across the world, telling them to adopt 'tit for tat' methods.
According to sources, a few young Muslims responded positively to Liyakatali. It is said that he provoked the youth to take revenge for the post-Godhra riots in Gujarat. He also took part in the protest rally against Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi at Rani Channamma Circle on October 30, 2007. He had covered his face to shield his identity. The video clippings, which are in police possession, have confirmed Liyakatali's participation in the agitation. He was seen shouting slogans to hang Modi, according to sources.Sources said that Liyakatali identified a few images when the police showed him the video clippings.
From Deccan Herald
Liyakat had produced an LPG bomb at a house in Azam Nagar before carrying it to Shindholli for the `ignition test.'
However, the police are unable to find since how long Liyakat has been engaged in these activities. He was in London for many years running his security agency before coming to Belgaum to attend his sister's marriage, which was held recently. The top police officials have declined to comment on whether Liyakat had been involved in such activities even before he landed in India.
Meanwhile, Nasir Patel, another arrested was produced to Court in Belgaum on Saturday. After being in police custody for sometime, he has not been remanded to the judicial custody. A resident of Azam Nagar, Nasir Patel had stored objectionable information and literature in his PC.
President of Rashtriya Hindustan Sena Pramod Mutalik has alleged that at least three police officials in Belgaum are involved in abetting the suspected terrorists. He said his association had already informed the names of the three officials to the higher authorities.Mr Mutalik also said several areas in Belgaum were housing muslims of Bangladesh origin. These areas, he alleged had become a haven for terror activities and called upon authorities concerned to drive all residents staying illegally in Belgaum.
Spare innocents:
Several muslim leaders of Belgaum led by the Belgaum (North) MLA, Feroz Sait met Superintendent of Police Hemant Nimbalkar on Saturday to ensure that none of the innocent youth were affected in the process of investigation
MES rebel, his supporters face wrath of Marathi people
8:11 AM Posted by ukmad
They were not allowed to pay tributes at a memorial in Hindalga
Leader of the Maharashtra Ekikaran Samithi who unsuccessfully contested the Assembly
elections as a rebel candidate and his supporters faced the wrath of Marathi-speaking people at Hindalga near here on Sunday on the occasion of “Hutatma Divas” (martyr’s day).
Marathi-speaking people led by MES have been observing June 1 as martyr’s day since 1986 to pay tributes to eight people who were killed in police firing.
The MES had organised a “satyagraha” on June 1, 1986 to oppose the State Government’s decision to make Kannada a compulsory language in schools. Marathi-speaking people had joined the agitation in large numbers and resorted to violence. Eight people were killed in police firing in Hindalga, Belgundi and Uchagaon villages and Old Belgaum city areas.Later, a memorial was built at Hindalga where MES leaders and Marathi-speaking people pay homage to them every year.
Trouble broke out on Sunday when B.I. Patil, former MES MLA and Belgaum taluk unit president, Ramesh Gangaram Pawale, who contested as MES rebel candidate from Belgaum North, Suresh Dhokre, Ninguji Huddar and Manoj Pause arrived at Hindalga to pay tributes at the memorial. Residents of the village shouted slogans against them and termed them as “gaddars” (traitors).The MES was drubbed in the elections, which is being seen as an “historic defeat” in its electoral war against Karnataka Government and Kannadigas.
The residents said, “The ‘gaddars’ have no right to touch the portraits of those who sacrificed their lives for the cause of unity of Marathi-speaking people.”
Later, the police arrived at the scene and took control of the situation. However, Mr. Patil and the four others had to return without paying tributes to the martyrs.
Terror suspect planned to attack Belgaum city: police
12:03 PM Posted by ukmad
He planned to strike in Tilakwadi locality
Three other suspects arrested
The district police on Friday said they had arrested a suspected terrorist who allegedly planned attacks in Belgaum city on May 22.
Inspector-General of Police (Northern Range) Raghavendra Auradkar and Superintendent of Police Hemant Nimbalkar told presspersons here on Friday that the suspected terrorist Liyaquat Ali, son of Syed Abdul Gani, was arrested on May 15.
During interrogation, it was found that he had planned to strike in the busy Tilakwadi locality in the heart of the city on the day of polling, May 22, they said.
The police arrested Imtiyaz Abdul Ijaz Dalayat (21) and Nadeem Syed (20) on Thursday in this connection. The police seized several objectionable materials and provocative literature ascribed to Osama bin Laden, a computer hard disk and laptop containing picture clippings on post-Godhra violence in Gujarat and Jammu and Kashmir from Liyaquat Ali and Nasir, another suspect.
Documents having information related to manufacture of explosive devices using LPG cylinders, glycerol, nitric acid and sulphuric acid were seized from Imtiyaz and Nadeem, the police said. All the four suspected terrorists were from Belgaum city, the police said and added that they had links with one “Dr. Munroz”, an activist of the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI).
Liyaquat Ali, who was serving in a London-based security agency, had returned to his home in Khusro Colony on March 18, the police said.
Liyaquat Ali has been sent to judicial custody.
Nasir, a resident of Azam Nagar, Imtiyaz and Nadeem, both residents of Ashok Nagar, have been sent to police custody.
A special squad led by Additional Superintendent of Police Raman Gupta and Deputy Superintendent of Police Muttuswamy Naidu is carrying out investigations.